Selepas desas-desus akan penyertaan Ezam ke dalam UMNO dalam tempoh terdekat ini, seorang lagi tokoh dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat pula diperkatakan bakal menyertai UMNO. Beliau adalah Badrul Hisham Saharin, yang merupakan calon PKR bagi PRU12 yang lalu untuk Parlimen Rembau bagi menentang Khairy Jamaluddin. Beliau yang memang terkenal sebagai 'veteran' dalam demonstrasi jalanan dikatakan bakal menyertai UMNO dengan mengikut jejak langkah pengerusi Gerak, Saudara Ezam Mohd Nor.
Saya pun tidak berani mengesahkan khabar angin ini yang sedang bertiup kencang di kalangan aktivis-aktivis PKR. Kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja. Apakah tujuan sebenar penyertaan mereka ke dalam UMNO? Saya tidak tahu. Namun situasi ini cukup meresahkan di saat kita perlu merapatkan barisan Pakatan Rakyat dalam usaha membentuk sebuah kerajaan yang kuat dan berkebajikan.
Saya hanya mampu berdoa.....
Saya pun tidak berani mengesahkan khabar angin ini yang sedang bertiup kencang di kalangan aktivis-aktivis PKR. Kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja. Apakah tujuan sebenar penyertaan mereka ke dalam UMNO? Saya tidak tahu. Namun situasi ini cukup meresahkan di saat kita perlu merapatkan barisan Pakatan Rakyat dalam usaha membentuk sebuah kerajaan yang kuat dan berkebajikan.
Saya hanya mampu berdoa.....
8 ulasan:
apakah punca chegubard masuk umno, adakah kerana PKR sudah tidak relavan lg...
PKR mmg tak relevan dari dulu lg...
Parti yg hanya merperjuangkn Anwar bukannya rakyat...
Its not a shocking news as ezam was planted in to topple PKR since day one.... expect a couple of them to re-join the ruling party as our mr. sweet talker here is on a series of convincing PKR supporters/members to re-join UMNO.
I knew this simply bcos he's avoiding my mum cos when he's in deep shit, she was the one who helped his family.............
so my advice to ezam..... u have made sumpah and if u break it, its gonna be severe... trust me, i've seen people who went against their sumpah.... know where they are now??? Hospital bahagia... seriously...
Mr. r_feev,
Lesson for you to learn from all this (party jumping)... jangan terlalu taksub dengan seseorang ... namapun politik.
Saya tertarik dgn ulasan yang ditinggalkan saudara afiq.. thank you.. it's an eye opener.. now i know who is ezam really is..
thank you afiq...
Saudara Blogger,
This is in reference to your respond to Afiq's comment.
No, you still don't know who Ezam is. An eye opener? Yes. Knowing him? Not Yet. What happened here is, you receive 'little info' from someone. It might be the truth, I dont know. But, how can you immediately announce that ...'now i know who he really is ...
Is that the way you make conclusion, perception, generalisation, etc.
To tanpa nama..
you are an interesting person.. next time check your facts first. You know who is afiq is?? NO i guess... have you met ezam before... in the early days of Reformasi.. i guess NO.. but i did.. i saw what he went thru in 1999 election in shah alam.. and my dear friend afiq watched much closer as his family involved closely... so next time check your facts first.. do a lot more of readings and do updates yourself before you challenged the credibility of my postings in this blog.. ok.. I do uphold freedom of speech but NOT lies or deception like some people did.. I am responsible to what I say and I am not afraid to stand for what I believe. So next time it will be nice though if you could use your own name rather than tanpa nama.. are you ashamed or too scared to use your own name??
Dear Blogger,
I'm not challenging your credibility ... not at all young man. Just responding to your responds on Afiq's info. That's all.
A wee bit info on me though..
I'm not all that interesting, just an overweight midlle age man/person, taking too much 'junk', watching too much tv, reading a bit too little than i should be, caring a bit too much about the journey of the Malays,concern about the future, not doing much of recycling, love young peole and believing in their importance for the growth of the country,habitually buying a book a week, believe in actions rather than words, my root firmly planted in the Malaysian soil (though I have travelled quite a bit)and our paths have met in several occassions
In short, like one blog i read that said, ... an unsignificant being trying too make sense of the world,
If I may say this, please do not be too bothered with what I write, just respond to some points, if you think necessary. I would not like to make you defensive and let alone to instill anger.
Take care and keep on writing
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